
This Is Epic

A curation of our design ideas and inspirations for houses in Goa, contemporary art and architecture.





Posts tagged india
The design process at the Crescent House in Nandi Hills

Our upcoming project, The Crescent House resides in the Nandi Hills of Bangalore. It has a small site with immediate neighbors and beautiful views in every direction. It was a design challenge to incorporate all the 180° pan views of Nandi Hills from the villa. We tackled this with an innovative experiment.


The four of us designers of Build Grounded split up on-site and individually came up with four design solutions. After brainstorming on-site for around an hour, we had a discussion. Considering different approaches, we came up with a strategy then and there. A way through it was the amalgamation of all four directions, which later on developed into the actual design of the house.

As the name suggests Crescent House, the main facade of the house is in a crescent shape. The facade has different openings showing different views in different sizes all across the stretch of the Nandi Hills. Soon to be complete Crescent House is under construction but you can still make out the facade taking shape enjoying the views all around.

House with Three Pavilions in LivingEtc Magazine!

It is such a joy to see our project House with Three Pavilions find beautiful space in print and on the cover of Livingetc Magazine’s June 2022 issue. Aptly titled - ‘A Home with A Verandah’, the article draws attention to our countryside Goan house’s tangible connection to nature. It throws light on our tropical modern design approach and celebrates our efforts to create seamless indoor-outdoor spaces that allow our clients to take everyday life outdoors.

Read the published story here.

If you are considering buying a house in Goa, read our blogpost: What to Look For While Buying A House in Goa

To know more about our design process, take a look at: Designing A House in Goa

Press, House for Sale in GoaRoshini GaneshAnjali Mangalgiri, Architecture, architecture in goa, architecture india, sustainable architecture, House with Three Pavilions, Goa houses, Goa Life, Goa, goa, goa life, house in goa for sale, home in goa, House in Goa, houses in goa, houses in goa for sale, Buying houses in Goa, Goan Houses, Livingetc, Livingetc Magazine, A Home with A Verandah, Verandah, Balcao, Red Balcao, inside outside, Indoor outdoor, indoor outdoor spaces, Earthy Luxury, Barefoot Luxury, Design, Development Goa, design strategies, Design inspiration, environmental planning, ecological site planning, ecological construction, india, India, local landscape, Moving to Goa, North Goa, Outdoor Living, Outdoor living, Goa Properties, Landscape design, Real Estate, real estate goa, Responsive architecture, rainwater harvesting, Real Estate Development, Design Build, Green design, Development in Goa, Sustainability, Site Planning, sustainable design, Sustainable construction, Tropical architecture, tropical homes, Tropical, Tropical Modern, Tropical Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Contemporary Design, rustic contemporary, vernacular contemporary, Gotta have country homes, Stormwater Goa, Water Management, Villa for sale Goa, vacation home, villa for sale in goa, Living in Goa, living in goa, live with nature, Build with nature, Luxury Home in Goa, Luxury Homes, Luxury Homes for Sale in Goa, Luxury lifestyle, Luxury architecture, Luxury villa, luxury villas for sale in goa, Buying property in Goa, Mindful Living, Soulful Spaces, Modern Living, Home Magazine, Goan homes, Life in Goa, lifestyle in goa, goan life, Goan lifestyle, goan lifestyleComment
First Look at A House In South Goa

We have recently started work on a small house for a lovely young family in Talpona village in Goa. The focus will be on indoor-outdoor living and creating opportunities to connect with nature. The project site is contoured and verdant, with lush trees meeting the eye every side we turn. Our vision for the project is to bring land and life together, through timeless contemporary-vernacular architecture. As we explore the relationships between space and site, we ask ourselves repeatedly,

What are the views that we can frame? How can we create open, continuous and connected spaces? How much light and breeze comes through? How can we create pockets around different natural clusters? How will each space change with time to allow for multiple experiences?

Kapadia House by Bijoy Jain

My interest lies primarily in doing what I do, with care. As an architect, the way you imagine opening a door, developing a chair, designing the texture of a wall or a floor, is very important. It’s about quality, about the consideration you apply to the making of something. And it’s about being attentive to the environment, the materials, and the inhabitants. It has to be inclusive.
Bijoy Jain

Images of Kapadia House sourced from Airbnb and Pinterest.

Images of Kapadia House sourced from Airbnb and Pinterest.

As one steps into Bijoy Jain’s Kapadia House in Alibaug, one is instantly witness to poetry through space. Centred around a rustic courtyard grove, the expansive indoor-outdoor spaces of the bungalow flow generously from one to another. The house intimately explores a connection with its trees creating experiences from bark to foliage, as different levels offer varied degrees of interaction with the verdure. With that comes a serendipitous romance with light and shadow, as rays filter through the canopy to make beautiful shifting patterns throughout the day. The house makes liberal use of natural material ranging from rough cut stone to wood, which effortlessly blend into the surrounding landscape while also creating a rustic complement to the otherwise white palette. The careful interplay between texture, form, proportion and light instantly elevate the design from functional to sculptural.


Kapadia House is listed on Airbnb, and is a must visit for any design lover.

How To Build On A Contoured Site
Photograph of Nivim, by Bharath Ramamrutham

Photograph of Nivim, by Bharath Ramamrutham

The opportunity to build on a contoured site can be both a challenge and a blessing. Even as it requires unique structural solutions, a contoured plot of land offers great design advantages. The sloping site automatically facilitates unobstructed views. It allows the building envelope to feel like a private sanctuary because there is no close visual connection with other neighbouring buildings beneath or above. The rolling site terrain also allows the architecture to cascade, creating multiple distinct ways of experiencing the space and its surroundings. For our houses in Goa, we use the following principles to build on terraced sites sensitively and sustainably.

  • When we build on a contoured site, we refrain from cutting or filling excessively. As a principle, the land topography is retained as much as possible.

  • Every contoured site speaks a unique story. The soil, water and vegetation indicate how the site fits into the regional topography. The natural paths created indicate how water flows through the site from higher to lower contours. While designing, we like to take a site positive approach and make minimum alterations to these existing natural systems. This ensures that we are not tampering with the natural water flows within the site, hence avoiding any unexpected flooding during the abundant monsoon in Goa.⠀

  • We also like to keep the site land around these water channels permeable without any cement cover. The natural paving ensures that there is a simple but high functioning rain water harvesting system where water is allowed to percolate into the ground and does not flow down and away from the site, preventing any water deficits in the future.

  • One of our first steps on any site is to understand everything there is to know about the greenery. The kind of vegetation usually indicates where the water collects on site and shows the different kinds of life forms within the site. It helps in developing a cohesive ecological response strategy while designing.

  • Understanding the vegetation also helps us design and build with nature. Unlike flat sites, where one would typically only see the base or trunk of a tree from ground level, a contoured site allows one to interact with the dense foliage of a tree on a higher level and the woody bark of another tree on a lower level simultaneously. We try to find these vistas to celebrate and curate through architecture.

  • We look for terrain and topo sheets to place the site inside its regional context. Most of these sheets are easy to access, available online, and are often on university websites. Once we have an initial understanding of the levels, we model the site in 3D using software such as Google Earth, SketchUp, and Rhino. Most of these software also allow us to geo-locate our contoured plot to check for accuracy.

  • While proposing a design, we usually look at a maximum of a 1m level difference from one space to another. This is done to avoid cutting and filling as much as possible and to move with the land terrain.⠀

  • We love to use a material palette that is either sourced locally or naturally and build using local construction techniques. We take cues from the surrounding sites and buildings around us to identify the most effective and least intrusive construction methods for every piece of land we build on.

Practicing these simple steps helps us to build sustainably and design houses that are gentle on the land they stand on. To know more about the methods, tips, tricks and processes we follow while designing, visit our blog series, Designing A House In Goa.

bapi das

I discovered Bapi Das at the last Kochi Biennale in 2018. Bapi’s work is genius. First because of his choice of medium. Discarding the typical medias of visual media, Bapi uses a needle and thread. He pulls threads from clothes like a dupatta and uses these threads to embroider and stich his artwork. Second, he manages to achieve this extreme level of detail using single threads that often a magnifying glass is needed to explore his work. And finally, and most importantly, he draws what he calls ‘dream like episodes’, that have their context in his daily life, his struggles, dreams and thoughts. One can very easily get lost in Bapi’s world while exploring deeper into his works.

Trajectory, The Shifting Imaginery

Trajectory, The Shifting Imaginery
