Sakshi Ghodake
Goa provides a trail of colorful wild flowers to be explored, specially during and post-monsoon. These flowers are not just creating beautiful travel spots in Goa but are also a part of the Goan lifestyle and culture. The wildflowers are used as medicinal herbs and help to improve the soil health, prevent erosion, improve the water quality.
Utricularia Malabarica are not so commonly seen, but are found on some plateaus in Goa. They are endemic to the laterite plateaus of the Western Ghats.
The Impatiens flowers (above) represents Gauri and are worshipped during Ganesh Chaturthi in some villages of Canacona. The yellow colored flowers which blooms in August-September, known as Harna or Sonki in Konkani.
Impatiens Balsamina are native to Western Ghats and locally known as Chiddo which is usually found along roadsides, open green spaces. They are used in various rituals like Shravan month’s Aayatar Poojan, Ganesh Chaturthi, etc.
The Wild Til’s are bell-shaped pink flowers, seen almost everywhere in Goa during monsoons. As the name suggests, these are a wild variety of sesame seeds. The pods contain these tiny seeds.
The shrub of Dhobi’s Handkerchief flower grows like a wild creeper on other trees. The bract beneath the tiny orange flowers is white in color. It is locally known as Patri and is integral part of wild leaves and flowers, offered to Lord Ganesha during Ganesh Chaturthi festival.
Tiger Claws (Gloriosa Superba)
Wild Turmeric (Curcuma Aromatica)
Tiger Claws or Glory Lily is a bright yellow-red colored flower with an unusual shape. It is a vine which is usually found in forested areas. These pretty flowers are poisonous and toxic.
Wild turmeric blooms during monsoon season. It is recognized as a medical herb with strong antibiotic properties.
Pagoda flowers as represented (above) are a bunch of bright orange-red colored flowers that blooms during the monsoon period. These are mostly seen in green open spaces and are cultivated in gardens for their impressive flower display.
Celosia argentea
Buttonhead Pipewort
Celosia Argentea commonly known as Silver Cock’s Comb is said to be edible before it flowers. It is good for sight and controlling diabetes. These plants are a part of Goan diet in monsoon season and especially the Hindu month of Shravan and Ganesh Chaturthi as vegetarian cuisines are most preferred. The best species are seen on the plateaus.
The Buttonhead Pipewort are mostly found on plateaus near water bodies.
Little Persian Violet
Look for these gorgeous gifts of nature that flower abundantly in the Goan countryside, on the roadsides and fallow fields. People travel the world in search for wildflowers. Goa is home to many, only if one can slow down to observe and appreciate them. We at Grounded, hope to utilize these in our landscape design as well.
If you live in Goa or are considering a move to Goa, keep your eyes open for these beauties!
Inspired by Arti Das. For more information do visit here.