
This Is Epic

A curation of our design ideas and inspirations for houses in Goa, contemporary art and architecture.





Posts tagged Summers in Goa
State of India's Environment in Figures: An Insightful Book Release

On 31st June 2024, we had the opportunity to attend the release of the book State of India’s Environment in Figures by Down to Earth, presented by Sunita Narain. This event marked the annual release of their detailed state-wise analysis of various environmental issues.

The book's highlight is its numeric representation of facts and figures concerning climate change and related issues in India. The event involved the book's flow and a glimpse of its contents.

The book covers a wide range of topics, including:

Stories from Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to groundwater management, forest fires, plastic pollution, State of waste, transport, Greenhouse gases, Agriculture, Employment, farmers' protests, environmental crimes, and much more.



  • 2023 Marked the second hottest year on record with warm winters up to 1.71°C as the minimum temperature, the first time in the last 122 years. Extreme weather events were marked on 318 out of 365 days in 2023.

  • 7 out of 9 analyzed cities showed 90% of their geographical areas under extreme heat and humidity making it worse as high humidity slows down the human body’s natural cooling process.

  • Forestland diversion increased by 3.5% with half of it occurring in just five states. Elephant deaths surged by 63% due to electrocutions and the leopard population grew but over half resides outside the reserves.

  • The most notable aspect of the book was the environmental crimes. Even though there is a decrease in registration of crimes by 18% in 2021-22. The Courts are disposing of cases at a rate significantly lower than new cases recorded, leading to cases piling up. This pile-up of new and old at the end of 2022 was a total of 1,39,246 cases.

Going through such an in-depth climate analysis was truly eye-opening. The timing of this release, just before the results of new elections in India, makes it even more relevant. We believe that sharing this information with you is crucial because awareness is the key to addressing these issues. So join us as we continue to share such updates on climate change in our broadcast channel on social media: Climate Woes

Mankhurad - The King of Mangoes!

Image sourced from the internet.


Sweet summer memories for most of us involve climbing mango trees to pluck all the fresh fruit our hands could possibly reach. The mangoes of Goa are second to none, and the state is among the producers of the highest number of varieties of this delicious summer fruit. However, one particular local Goan mango trumps all others - Mankhurad!

Also known as Goa Mankur, Kurad, Malcorado, Corado etc, Mankhurad first entered the Goan belt in the early 1600s with the Portuguese travelers. With a cultivation history that spans centuries, this Goan variety has grown to become only sweeter with time. Today, the Portuguese Malcorado, is shipped all across India for its distinct taste and finds its way to the Goan summer table as fresh fruit, as well as jams, compotes and ice creams.

Life around the Mankhurad at Navovado

We were lucky to find five full grown, fruiting, and gloriously canopied Mankhurad trees on site when we began our design-development project Navovado. We have consciously preserved the vegetation and designed a modern Goan house around these magnificent mango trees that give us fresh, bountiful harvests in the summer and are a glorious green sight for sore eyes throughout the year.

The Goan Cashew Story - From Farm to Table

As people move from cities in search of a better quality of life, Goa is often the first choice as it offers the perfect balance of the urban and the countryside. It makes room for a simple but luxurious lifestyle that celebrates the changes in nature, vegetation, and climate throughout the year. From Kokum in the late winter to cashews and mangoes in the summer to the famous kom and pipri in the monsoon, life in Goa is very much about savouring the bounties of seasonal living.

Come summer, it is cashew season in Goa and the trees are laden with fruits in sunset colours - the cashew tree swells with ripe produce in shades of red, yellow and orange. Between late February and early April, a majority of cashew harvest is carried out. Picking days are planned and cashew trails are organised as fruit is separated from nut. The freshly collected cashew nut is then prepared for the market - split, roasted, and seasoned before it makes it way to different parts of Goa, India, and beyond. The fresh cashew fruit however is carefully preserved and fashioned into a Goan summer delicacy. As the days grow warm outside, the Goan cashew fruit makes different appearances on the table throughout the season: first Niro, then Urrak, and finally Feni.


After the fallen cashew apples are de-seeded, the fruits are thrown into a stomp pit and finely crushed to extract the juice. Sweet, sour and slightly pungent, the juice is collected into an earthen pot. In this fresh form, the juice called Niro has a shelf life of only a few hours and therefore, it is not commonly sold as a market product even within Goa. It is only within Panaji's oldest bakery, Mr. Baker 1922, that one would find bottled Niro, packaged under strict hygienic conditions and sold seasonally between March and May.


All images have been sourced from the internet.

Once the fresh cashew juice is collected, it is stored in large terracotta pots and buried underground to ferment for three days. This first fermentation results in a high-quality, fruity alcohol called Urrak made precious by its short shelf life that lasts only a few weeks. Found in local bars but primarily in old Goan houses, Urrak is a seasonal drink that is a matter of great Goan pride, much like Sake from Japan or Chaang from the Himachali hills. The Goans typically enjoy their Urrak as a summer afternoon cocktail - topped with fresh cold limca, a dash of fresh lemon juice, a sprinkle of salt and paprika, and a chilli dunked.


Finally, there’s the popular Feni, which finds a place among the world’s strongest liquors. Feni is the second distillation of cashew pulp after Urrak and is found year-round in the coastal state. This summer elixir is either barrel-aged or copper pot distilled and then filtered for smoothness. Today, homegrown Goan distilleries like Aani Ek give the robust Feni a flavourful twist. The distinct local branding is also found in brands like Lembarca (in the image above), which to date carries a hand sketched label crafted by iconic Goan artist Mario Miranda.

Goa is a land of incredible natural and cultural diversity.

Learn more about Goa’s famous native landscape here.

To know more about where to live in Goa, visit this blogpost.

Finally, if you’re interested in buying a house in Goa, use this checklist.