
This Is Epic

A curation of our design ideas and inspirations for houses in Goa, contemporary art and architecture.





Renzo Piano on buildings and architecture

Initial Sketch, Pompidou Center, 1971-78, Piano & Rogers (Source: www.phaidon.com)

Renzo Piano is the architect of hands-down my most favorite building in Paris, the George Pompidou Center (sorry Mr. Nouvel, I love your buildings too..).

Watch the video below as he describes what architecture means to him. Truly inspiring when he says, 'architecture is the way to answer practical needs; but architecture is only architecture when it answers to all sorts of desires.' Also that architecture can change the world. And further in the interview, that the inspiring element of 21st century will be energy and sustainability... and that sustainability should be looked at as a new and positive opportunity for buildings and young professionals.

Click on

link to watch Video Part I and II

, courtesy archdaily.com