
This Is Epic

A curation of our design ideas and inspirations for houses in Goa, contemporary art and architecture.





lalla essaydi

I came across the work of photographer Lalla Essaydi at the Sundaram Tagore Gallery in Singapore in early 2019. I was pretty blown away. Lalla’s art is a commentary on the position of women in Morocco and in the world. Her work is visually stunning and full of symbolism.

In her series ‘Les Femmes du Maroc’, she uses henna to write calligraphy on the women’s bodies, the fabric they wear and the space that contain them. Calligraphy has historically been restricted to the used of men. I love the way her photographs present the status of women as trapped in a man’s world. Her use of henna is thought provoking as it is generally used to enhance a woman’s beauty, her use of soft fabric to me, highlights the softness of women and their vulnerability, but also shows their desire to be free spirited. Finally, I appreciate that all her women are photographed inside traditional homes, once again signifying how they are trapped within the confines of their homes, their family values and cultural outlook. This resonates with most of us women who grew up in conservative societies.

In another series, ‘Harem’ (below), the women literally disappear within their space, they become one with the architecture, as an artifact, an object and decoration.

Her works evokes a strong response.
